MHAC Spring 2024 Newsletter

Spring 2023 newsltter


Read our latest Newsletter.

MHAC recognises a significant risk to the Yorkshire and wider UK population from the United States surveillance activity at Menwith Hill because it makes a significant military target.

MHAC is a group of committed people working to bring public awareness and scrutiny to the issue of the presence and roles of the US Visiting Forces and their Agencies at Menwith Hill.  We recognise that Menwith Hill is part of a US global network of military activity and intelligence that now reaches into space. 

We hold regular demonstrations and support research into the impact of the base. We are committed to non-violence.


Read Menwith Hill in 3D Report: Domes, Data & Drone Strikes

Latest news

Christine Dean

We have learn of the death of Christine Dean on Tuesday 17 December 2024. Christine was a long term campaigner on the issues around Menwith Hill.

Take action

Radome 38 ?

The last date for comments on the new (to be 38th) radome was originally 6 July.  However Harrogate Borough Council queried the height of the new radome in August and asked for more details - the new radome will be very high and to the northeast of existing radomes.

Featured Base

NSA/USAF Menwith Hill

The continually expanding base at Menwith Hill in North Yorkshire.

Featured Issue


Raising public awareness with the aim of making the Bases open, responsible, and accountable for their activities.